
Showing 1–12 of 27 results

B. Sc (Hons.) Ag. / B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. -RGSC – (Under Special Course of Study)

A candidate shall be eligible for admission to B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag, if he/she has passed
10+2/Intermediate examination in Agriculture or in Science (with Physics, Chemistry
and Mathematics/Biology) OR equivalent examination recognized by the University,
securing a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate. AGE: Not to be less than 16 years
and not more than 25 years on 1st July’ 2023 (applicant should be born on or after
2ndJuly.’ 1998 and on or before 2ndJuly, 2007).

B.F.Sc.Agriculture and Allied Sciences

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Agriculture/ Inter-Agriculture

B.Sc (Environmental Science)

English,Agriculture, Anthropology,Biology,Biological Studies,Biotechnology,Biochemistry, Chemistry,Environmental Studies,Computer Science,Informatics Practices,Economics, Geography,Geology,Mathematics,Applied Mathematics, Physics, General Test

B.Sc (Environmental Science)

English,Agriculture,Anthropology,Biology,Biological Studies,Biotechnology,Biochemistry, Chemistry, Environmental Studies, Computer Science, Informatics PracticesCode ,Economics, Geography, Geology, Mathematics,Applied Mathematics,Physics , General Test

B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture (Only University Affiliated Self Finance Colleges)(4Years)

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics, Chemistry , Biology or Physics, Chemistry ,Agriculture or Agriculture, Biology , Chemistry

B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Physics, Chemistry, Agriculture or Biology, Chemistry ,Agriculture