Showing 1–12 of 23 results
University Type
Domain Subjects
B.A. Applied Psychology
General Test, English, any other subject
B.A. Media and Communication
General Test, English, any other subject
General Test, English, any other subject
General Test, English, any other subject
B.A.Liberal Arts
General Test, English, any other subject
B.A.Political Science
General Test, English, any other subject
B.Sc. Clinical Psychology
General Test, English, any other subject
B.Sc. Food Science and Technology
General Test, English, Chemistry, Biology, any other subject
B.Sc. Hospitality & Hotel Administration
General Test, English, any other subject
B.Sc. Information Technology
General Test, English, any other subject
B.Sc.Culinary Arts
General Test, English, any other subject
General Test, English, any other subject