Showing 1–12 of 14 results

B. Sc. B. Ed. (4 Year Under Graduate Course in Education) A. Physics (Hons.) B.Ed, B. Chemistry (Hons.) B.Ed, C. Zoology (Hons.) B.Ed, D. Botany (Hons.) B.Ed

English,Three domain specific subjects of which Teaching Aptitude subject shall be considered as mandatory.Candidates desiring admission to Honours course in Physics should have Physics and Maths/ Chemistry. Candidates desiring admission to Honours course in Chemistry should have Chemistry and Maths/Physics.Candidates desiring admission to Honours course in Zoology should have Biology and Chemistry.Candidates desiring admission to Honours course in Botany should have Biology and Chemistry.

Four Year Undergraduate Programme in Arts

English,Any three domain specific subjects related to desired DSC and DSM subjects.

Four Year Undergraduate Programme in Bisiness Administration

English,Any three domain specific subjects related to desired DSC and DSM subjects.

Four Year Undergraduate Programme in Commerce

English,Any three domain specific subjects related to desired DSC and DSM subjects of which Accountancy and Business Studies are mandatory

Four Year Undergraduate Programme in Computer Application

English,Any three domain specific subjects related to desired DSC and DSM subjects.

Four Year Undergraduate Programme in Science

English,Any three domain specific subjects related to desired DSC and DSM subjects.

Four Year Undergraduate Programme in Vocational Courses

English,Any three domain specific subjects related to desired DSC and DSM subjects.