Showing 13–24 of 31 results

Computer Science and Engineering (Lateral Entry)

Physics, Mathematics,Computer Science or Physics, Mathematics ,Engineering Graphics or Physics, Mathematics, Informatics Practices

Electronic and Communication Engineering (Lateral Entry)

Physics, Mathematics,Computer Science or Physics, Mathematics ,Engineering Graphics or Physics, Mathematics, Informatics Practices

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Physics, Mathematics,Chemistry/Computer Science/Electronics/Information Technology/ Biology/Informatics Practices/ Biotechnology

Home Science (Only University Affiliated Self Finance Colleges)

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Home Science choose any two subjects or (Hindi, English, Psychology, Political Science, Economics , History).

Information Technology

Physics, Mathematics ,Chemistry/Computer Science/Electronics/Information Technology/ Biology/Informatics Practices/ Biotechnology

Information Technology(Lateral Entry)

Physics, Mathematics,Computer Science or Physics, Mathematics ,Engineering Graphics or Physics, Mathematics, Informatics Practices

Instrumentation Engineering

Physics, Mathematics,Chemistry/Computer Science/Electronics/Information Technology/ Biology/Informatics Practices/ Biotechnology

Instrumentation Engineering (Lateral Entry)

Physics, Mathematics,Computer Science or Physics, Mathematics ,Engineering Graphics or Physics, Mathematics, Informatics Practices